Purchase my Latest Book

The Next America, 2nd Edition released in March 2014 by Motivational Press, is an awesome instruction guide and reference source to allow each of us as citizens individually to make a positive difference in our America. The American Dream has been significantly damaged by our own leaders lack of working together to do what is best for all of us. They behave like a bunch of spoiled Rock Stars, on our dime. Worse yet their lack of doing what is best for us as their constituents and selling out to get re-elected again and again to all the corporate and special interest groups. This has damaged America’s financial solvency and threatens to erode our founding fathers vision for us as one nation, one people. It is time for all of us to find the conviction, purpose and energy to say enough is enough. Each of us can make a difference individually and when we do so, collectively we will see the positive changes that we all say we desire. The book Next America, will give you not only the reasons we need to act, but also what happens if we fail to act. It will also give you a clear direction on how to advocate to make a difference by using the technological tools we are now becoming very familiar with. Bottom line, YOU are either part of the solution or part of the problem. Today is your first step towards joining a huge movement of those of us American’s that want to restore the American Dream, and take back control of how we are governed and what we expect from the monies we do pay to the government for our genuinely own best interests. It starts by reading my book so you know what to advocate for and against and why you are doing so. Without knowing what we want our government to behave like and what we want from them once they are elected, you are just feeding their excuses for not making changes. Become part of the movement for positive changes and progress, become an Agent for Change to Restore the American Dream.

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Here is the link so you can purchase the book today and start to make a real difference as part of the solution.


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