Funding Your Life Plan

Myths of Owning Timeshare


I’m going to make this post short, sweet, and straight to the point. There are very few people who are just given an abundant and prosperous life by birthright. We mostly have to find out own unique way to create this scenario. As is the case in most things in this world, that requires we spend our hard earned cash on ourselves (that’s why we work to exchange our money for the quality of life we desire to create.)

Many people ask why I’m a proponent for owning timeshare? The sine reason is I believe it’s a practical, realistic and very cost efficient way for me to purchase the leisure lifestyle I desire for me and my family.

I can own the amount of time and the style and comfort level of travel I wish to accommodate me and my family on our journeys and adventures. It also makes me accountable to set time aside and take the time to actually go on vacations and make those memories that fuel us through tough times in life and invest in my relationship with my family and friends.

This type of investment is not about making money but rather avoiding exponential costs that would eventually render my ability to travel to nothing. I thus save hundreds of thousands of dollars and have a much fuller life with far less regrets than those that don’t invest in their dreams and relationships. I’ve seen the dividends over and over again each time I see my family discuss our many trips and adventures together. I’ve also taught my boys the value of taking time for what matters most your loved ones.

The philosophy is simple. If you go on vacation without owning an equity product, you pay far more for the same experiences, eventually that cost stops you from traveling as much as you desire in most cases. Your use of an equity product such as timeshare allows you to recycle your money and thus create a fixed vacation expense and pay it off. Then you use it over and over again to create enormous additional economic value.

All timeshares are not alike. I like those that allow you to own your points outright and are tied to a real physical asset base, comprised of tangible real estate, where your deed is in few simple property.

Yes, we have to maintain our property just as you do your home and vehicles. You do get a tax write off for doing so, therefore there is some additional economic benefit to it. I do want the property to look like the picture and be properly maintained so I do not have a honey do list while on vacation related to repairing my vacation property.

So, now I’ve set the record straight as to why I advocate and promote the active ownership of equity based timeshare products to create a cost-efficient accountability to go on vacations each year.

Have a happy, healthy and very prosperous 2015!